Tentukan paket untuk kebutuhan Anda

Choose the best package for your needs

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Berapa jumlah pengguna anda?
How many users do you need ?
Minimal 5 pengguna minimum 5 users


Gratis Free
IDR 1.500.000

IDR 0 /pengguna


$0 /users

Gratis selama 30 hari Free for 30 days
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Inventory Material Management
  • Sales & Distribution
  • Purchasing Management
  • Up to 5 users
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Inventory Material Management
  • Sales & Distribution
  • Purchasing Management
  • Access to transaction history data is limited to only 30 days


33% off
IDR 1.500.000

IDR 1.000.000 /pengguna

Total bulanan IDR 0 Silahkan pilih paket Ultimate

$249 /user

Monthly totals $0 Please select the Ultimate package
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Inventory Material Management
  • Sales & Distribution
  • Purchasing Management
  • Up to 25 users
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Inventory Material Management
  • Sales & Distribution
  • Purchasing Management
  • Unlimited transaction history data access


Harga Spesial untuk diatas 25 Pengguna

Special price for over 25 users

Training Penggunaaan Aplikasi Pendampingan Onboarding Application Usage Training Onboarding Assistance
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Inventory Material Management
  • Sales & Distribution
  • Purchasing Management
  • More than 25 users
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Inventory Material Management
  • Sales & Distribution
  • Purchasing Management
  • Unlimited transaction history data access
Berapa jumlah pengguna anda?
How many users do you need ?
Minimal 5 pengguna minimum 5 users
Financial & Accounting Management
IDR 499.000

IDR 300.000 /pengguna

$75 /user

  • Configurable COA
  • Bank Account
  • Voucher
  • Cashflow Management
  • General Ledger
  • Trial Balance
  • Profit and Loss
  • Balance Sheet
  • Multi Profit Center (Add On)
  • Configurable COA
  • Bank Account
  • Voucher
  • Cashflow Management
  • General Ledger
  • Trial Balance
  • Profit and Loss
  • Balance Sheet
  • Multi Profit Center (Add On)
  • Approval & Authorization
  • Manual book
  • Installer
  • Customer Support Service
Procurement to Invoice
IDR 459.000

IDR 250.000 /pengguna

$65 /user

  • Vendor Management
  • Vendor Rating
  • Vendor Quotation
  • Material Request
  • Purchase Order
  • Procurement
  • Purchasing Report
  • Outstanding Request
  • Account Payable
  • Procurement Performance
  • Approval & Authorization
  • Manual book
  • Installer
  • Layanan Customer Support
  • Vendor Management
  • Vendor Rating
  • Vendor Quotation
  • Material Request
  • Purchase Order
  • Procurement
  • Purchasing Report
  • Outstanding Request
  • Account Payable
  • Procurement Performance
  • Approval & Authorization
  • Manual book
  • Installer
  • Customer Support Service
Inventory Material Management
IDR 459.000

IDR 250.000 /pengguna

$65 /user

  • Master Item
  • Item Category
  • Warehouse Management
  • Internal Material Management
  • Inventory Report
  • Stock Movement
  • Stock Adjustment
  • Material Management Report
  • Transfer History
  • Approval & Authorization
  • Manual book
  • Installer
  • Layanan Customer Support
  • Master Item
  • Item Category
  • Warehouse Management
  • Internal Material Management
  • Inventory Report
  • Stock Movement
  • Stock Adjustment
  • Material Management Report
  • Transfer History
  • Approval & Authorization
  • Manual book
  • Installer
  • Customer Support Service
Sales to Invoice
IDR 459.000

IDR 250.000 /pengguna

$65 /user

  • Customer Data Management
  • Salesman Management
  • Sales Target
  • Pricing Management
  • Shipment & Delivery
  • Sales Order
  • Delivery Request
  • Sales Report
  • Account Receivable
  • Sales Performance
  • Outstanding Sales Order
  • Sales Collection
  • Approval & Authorization
  • Manual book
  • Installer
  • Layanan Customer Support
  • Customer Data Management
  • Salesman Management
  • Sales Target
  • Pricing Management
  • Shipment & Delivery
  • Sales Order
  • Delivery Request
  • Sales Report
  • Account Receivable
  • Sales Performance
  • Outstanding Sales Order
  • Sales Collection
  • Approval & Authorization
  • Manual book
  • Installer
  • Customer Support Service

Total tagihan bulanan

Total monthly bill

IDR 0.00


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